5 - Founded in 2008 at Columbia University, 5 years time is a testament to GCC’s growth. Pursuant to previous 4 highly successful conference event, 5th GCC China Summit is stronger than ever to present you a GCC tradition that will reach beyond both of our generation.
58 - Global China Connection (GCC) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization with over 58 chapters around the world for university students of all nationalities looking to engage China’s emergence as a global power. Our chapters including Harvard, Princeton, MIT, HKU and other tops universities.
300 - More than 300 global youth leaders from China, the United States, Europe, Latin America, and greater Asia will attend the summit to prepare themselves for the challenges of tomorrow. Over the course of conference, today’s current and future world leaders will gather together to explore our most pressing challenges.
10,000 – More than 10,000 subscribers receive GCC Insights monthly. Big announcement are spread quickly and widely among the strongly-connected network.
What Do We Do?
International Conference
Social Entrepreneurship in High Gear, June 26, 2010 –PekingUniversity
Realizing the China Dream, July 31, 2010 –PekingUniversity
Understanding China: An Era of Great Transformation, July 7, 2012 –PekingUniversity
GCC Delegation
UPenn, Columbia, HarvardUniversity
GCC Event
Exclusive meet-up
Cooperates visit(Microsoft, Goldman Sachs)
and cocktail party
Know more about GCC, go to http://www.gccglobal.org
GCC renren page: http://page.renren.com/600394868
GCC weibo: http://weibo.com/gccglobal
If you have any question, please contact us: beijing@gccglobal.org